Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Current Top 5 Lists

That I haven't seen:
Perfume- dir. Tom Tykwer (Run Lola Run)
For Your Consideration
The Science of Sleep
Rome- HBO Series

That I have seen:
Genghis Blues
Little Miss Sunshine
The Office- BBC and Regular flavor
A Scanner Darkly

*Still haven't seen The Departed, The Last King of Scotland, Half Nelson, and Fearless from my last Top 5 list.
**MNITBY is now on the New Blogger so you can sign in using your gmail account


Blogger Dylan said...

I just got a tip that I should add The Wire (another HBO Series) to my Top 5 That I haven't seen List.

PS. looks like the Contributors list is now missing on the main page. All thanks to New Blogger I think. All those signed up as team members should still be able to post though.

Happy New Year!

6:02 PM  
Blogger Dylan said...

A warning about Perfume.  You may want to wait until it comes to the cheap theater.  2 thumbs down on ebert and roper last night.  The good news is that Children of Men and Pan's Labyrinth have been getting great reviews.  They both look scary but beautiful.

9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto on the Perfume warning. My housemate saw it yesterday after looking forward to it for months...and HATED it. Would have walked out if he hadn't still been eating popcorn.
Bummer, I'd been excited about that one.

Am still excited about Children and Pans though!! Pan's Labyrinth just won the Critics' Choice Award...

10:54 AM  

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