Monday, December 04, 2006

The HBO Series

The Sopranos and Six Feet Under are the classics, but almost all of HBO's shows are good.

I've been watching Carnivale for about 6 episodes now. It's an unusual story about a traveling carnival during the dustbowl years in the southwest. But the story is much stranger than that. A supernatural battle between good and evil is taking place, and the characters are apparently being manipulated by these forces. It's too weird to explain. Check it out.

Deadwood is another great series. During the gold rush, real characters such as Wild Bill and Calamity Jane settle in Deadwood, Montana. People from all over the country have come in search of gold and a place with no laws. But despite the few famous characters, this is no average western. It has many great performances and has won a lot of awards. The language is cool too. There's a lot of cursing, but after a while you see that it has it's own rhythm. I've even heard it compared to Shakespeare.

I've also been watching a little bit of Entourage. It's not as artful as these other 2 shows, but I had fun watching a few episodes. The main characters are a group a friends from Brooklyn now living in LA. The pretty boy of the group is the it actor in Hollywood and the rest are living off of his success. He's not very smart so he lets one of his friends make all of his decisions for him. The characters are young and the dialogue isn't all that interesting, but there are some fun behind-the-scenes movie business parts.

The next one I want to check out is Rome. It got a lot of attention for it's expensive sets, but I've heard it's just as good as these other shows.

What's impressive about all of these HBO shows is the quality of the entire production. The casting, set design, and writing are redefining the medium of television. Perfect for Netflix rentals.


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