Friday, October 20, 2006

Oldboy (2003)

This is one of the most popular Korean films in recent years. It's also one of the most twisted movies I've ever seen. At times it's beautiful. There are impressive fight sequences like you might find in a contemporary Kung Fu movie along with some excellent cinematography showing scenes from modern day Korea. But there is also some serious psychotic behavior. I don't want to give too much away, but a guy gets locked up in a room, like a hotel room. He doesn't know why he has been taken there or when he might be able to leave. Food comes in through a slit in the door and valium gas comes in through the heating vents. Needless to say the guy is a little pissed off when years later he is finally released. If you're not terribly affected by scenes of physical and mental torture do check this out. It's very interesting, but a little too f'ed up for MNITBY.


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