Looks like Ty Burrell (Duncan's brother) is in another big movie. This time he stars as Diane Arbus's husband. Steven "The guy who directed Secretary" Shainberg directs, and Nicole Kidman plays Arbus. It sounds like the writer and director turned this into even more of a freak show than it was in real life. Then they decided to cast Robert Downy Jr as a Lion who lives next door and call it, “Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus.” (For those who aren't familiar, she was a photographer not a taxidermist.) Now, you might be asking yourself, "Didn't Dylan predict that Ty Burrell would hit the big time after he saw Friends with Money last spring?" Well you would be correct. Mo's my witness. Here's a link to the Times article:
A Visual Chronicler of Humanity's Underbelly, Draped in a Pelt of Perversity
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