PIFF Picks

Here are some picks for the 31st Portland International Film Festival. For best results use the link above to purchase tickets online at least one day prior. Then show up about 30 min early to walk in before they start selling tickets at the door.
Thurs, Feb 7, 7:30, THE BAND'S VISIT (Israel): Hilarity ensues when an Egyptian police band gets lost in Israel. Likely one of the better films in the fest.http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif
Fri, Feb 8, 6:45, IN BRUGES (Great Britain): Big movie with Colin Farrell in it. I think it's actually going to be really good, but it will play in the regular theater so you could save your festival money.
Sat, Feb 9, 8:45, JAR CITY (Iceland): Described as a procedural thriller, this one sounds like it transcends the genre and has some cool imagery. Plus it's from Iceland!
Sun, Feb 10, PERSEPOLIS (France/US): Ok, it's not a PIFF film, but it just came out! Should be awesome with animation based on the graphic novel from Iranian author Marjane Satrapi.
Mon, Feb 11, 7:15, MONGOL (Kazakhstan/Mongolia): Oscar nominated film about Genghis Kahn. Apparently he wasn't all bad.
Tues, Feb 12, 6:45, CHOP SHOP (US): A young kid runs around in the slums of Queens. This one was compared to the Brazilian film City of God. Say no more.
Fri, Feb 15, 6:45, LA ANTENA (Argentina): This is the film I'm most looking forward to. A mix of live action and animation, this one was compared to the work of Fritz Lang, Luis Bunuel and Tim Burton.
Sat, Feb 16, 6:30, DUSKA (Netherlands): This one looks like a good dark comedy. Bob is film nerd who finally scores his dream girl from the movie theater down the street. Then Duska shows up at his house...
Sun, Feb 17, 7:15, ART OF NEGATIVE THINKING (Norway): The title says it all. How could I not recommend this? A man in a wheel chair challenges the "look on the bright side" philosophy in his group therapy class.
Mon, Feb 18, 6:30, PARANOID PARK (US): Gus Van Sant's latest is shot in Portland with Super 8 and 35 mm. Should have lots of cool skateboarding scenes and win lots of awards.
Tues, Feb 19, 9:00, STILL LIFE (China): One of a few recent films at the fest that are set in the chaos of the Three Gorges Dam project. This one is a documentary. (See also UP THE YANGTZE.)
Wed, Feb 20, 9:15, TBA: This will probably be a replay of one of the better films. I'm hoping for THE BAND'S VISIT.
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